Originally Posted by CapriRacer
Here’s the problem I have with Sgt. Storton’s article:
1) “…..The reason the owner’s manual lists 35 psi is because we get the same manual as the civilian version of the Crown Victoria. The police version, however, is fully loaded with communications equipment, a cage, and your gear. You are not looking for a soft and cushy ride, you want performance…..”
Sorry, but the civilian version does indeed have a different inflation pressure than the police version – and the police version has more . Obviously, the folks at Ford did compensate for the additional weight that is going to be carried by a cruiser.
Perhaps the article was accurate in 2005 when it was published. Mr. Storton seems to have a pretty good list of qualifications after his name, I doubt he just made stuff up for fun.
Can you provide the source the makes you think he is wrong?
Originally Posted by CapriRacer
2) “…..The proper tire pressure for the Police Crown Victoria is 44 psi. If you look on the sidewall of the tire, you will see that it lists 44 psi max pressure….”
Yes, it lists the MAXIMUM pressure as 44 psi, but it does not list a RECOMMENDED pressure. Sgt Storton doesn’t explain HOW he arrived at the 44 psi value.
But later versions of the tire supplied to the Police Pursuit versions of the Crown Victoria have tires where the sidewall lists 51 psi as the maximum, so what about that?
I read this as his way of saying, for extreme driving, you should ignore the door placard and go with the maximum sidewall pressure. So in the case of a tire with a max sidewall pressure of 51 psi, the correct tire pressure would be...51 psi. I could be wrong in my interpretation though...
Originally Posted by CapriRacer
3) “… The tires will not balloon out creating a peak in the center portion of the tread when tire pressure is above 35 psi. There is a steel belt that prevents this from happening….”
Sorry, but the steel belts are neither radial nor circumferential. They are at about a 15° angle. And while the belt slows the “arching” affect down, it does not prevent it from happening.
I agree, but wouldn't you mostly run into this outside of the tire's specs (ie over recommended max psi)? Just in thinking about it that seems to make sense to me, but leaving me to my own thoughts can be dangerous
Originally Posted by CapriRacer
I am not even going to go into the issue of the “Stunts” involving Ranger pickups.
I think the reason this article has been pulled is that it is full of misconceptions and does not back up the things that are put forth as “facts”.
I think perhaps the article was pulled because it was old and/or practices changed. Based on the "last updated" date, it looks like it wasn't removed until two and a half years after it was published. All in all, I thought it was a decent article that provided some good insights and information from someone with extensive first hand experience in their industry.