Don't you love an easy fix? So your return on investment will take, what, a week?
About 3 weeks max. Insurance for me is only $30 more per month, which will be no issue. Classes end soon, so I'll be banking at work with this little car working more hours.
You should also change your tranny fluid, 0w30 or 5W30 motor oil every other year.
You mean gear oil right? I've never heard of using motor oil in the trans. And it's possible to rip all that vacuum equipment out and let the motor just be carb'd. They say it runs a hair richer, but none have seen an decrease in fuel mileage.
Originally Posted by ex-x-fire
You did really well on a swap for a honda deal, glad to hear it's running good. If you are planning on driving it alot you may want to change that timing belt, you don't want to bend up your valves. 
The timing belt is in excellent shape, not stretched, cracked, or worn. And my dad is a 20+ year ASE master tech, and wasn't even worried about it.