Well, maybe 34.95. But thats close enough for me.
I've been shooting for 40 mpg with this car since as long as I've been hypermiling. I know its possible under ideal conditions, but I'm yet to get a tank average that high.
It really seems to like I-77/I-26/I-95 between charlotte and jacksonville as usually when I go through that area even with cruise control on I get excellent mileage. North or South. Speed isn't nearly as big of a killer as the air conditioning is. I was kind of playing with it, and at least in those conditions, the AC was dropping it by 3 or 4 mpg simply by hitting the button. Car didnt seem to mind travelling with the windows down either, although it was really more like simply cracked.
Once I got back home though, and travel through my mountains, without major

ing the mileage goes back down. I dropped from 34 average to 30.
Oh well, I still can't complain, the EPA is 25 highway.