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Old 05-02-2010, 11:56 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ryland View Post
No! gear oil will destroy the bushings in the tranny, to much sulpher in it, the Honda owners manual calls for straigh 10W30 motor oil, you can now get Honda brand manual tranny fluid but up until I think it was 1996 or so the dealer told you to, along with the owners manual and the shop manual, to us common motor oil.

I've read the shop manuals cover to cover, they are a good read.

I don't have the car with me, but the owners manual called for 75w-something manu-trans gear oil. I'll look into this further though.

Edit: Also another reason why I will never. Ever. Attempt to fix the emissions system in this car.

I'm glad for fuel injection these days, and feel sorry for any Honda technicians that ever had to work on these things. Thank god for Honda quality though, the car appears to run great. We'll see once it's back on the road, though.

Lets see how far it can go

"All I know about music is that not many people ever really hear it. [...] But the man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, more terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for the same reason. And his triumph, when he triumphs, is ours." -Sonny's Blues

Last edited by texanidiot25; 05-03-2010 at 12:57 AM..
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