WTB: Honda Insight Wheels
I've searched the junk yards around here and if I drive 75 miles I can get a pair of Honda insight wheels, leaving me short two, the rest of the yards tend to charge $75 or more each and then if I had them ship them there would be shipping as well, My state no longer allows Pull-a-part yards, so what I'm wondering is if any of you who wonder pull-a-part yards happen to see any Honda Insight wheels if you could check the price, I'm willing to pay $75 or so after shipping, less would of course be nice.
Without a tire these rims should weigh in at around 11 pounds, so shipping shouldn't be that much.
Shipping would be to 54751
I figure it will be mid to end of summer before I really need new tires, so if this takes a few months or more I'm fine with that, but my next set of tires I would like to have on Honda Insight rims.