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Old 05-03-2010, 08:34 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
The scenario is an urban environment.The cloverleaf is of proper radius that you blend onto it at constant velocity,as you emerge from it your heading 'left',at a constant velocity,getting twice the mpg your getting today in the city.No stops.No idling.No need for brakes until at your destination.

I agree 100% with your criticism of road design.

I just believe that you can also eliminate the effects of bad road design, by incorporating high efficiency, simple, lightweight, virtually unlimited life expectancy, power train components to vehicles without extensive redesign.

In doing so you would make them less expensive, more reliable, and a lot more efficient.

Consider the most accomplished hypermiler on the planet. Their actions follow a totally predictable, and understandable pattern. The results are very predictable and repeatable.

Incorporate those techniques into the design of the vehicle itself, and you will have the "peoples car" of this century, instead of a tribute to the poor designs of the last century.

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