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Old 05-05-2010, 04:57 AM   #144 (permalink)
Tire Geek
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Originally Posted by TheEnemy View Post
I wouldn't discount it because its a truck tire......
I posted the footprint of the Goodyear tire to show how bad some footprints can be. I wanted that to contrast against the 6 footprint matrix I posted earlier.

That matrix is the only time I have seen a set such as that. It was published by NHTSA in “The Pneumatic Tire”. Those are probably the best set of footprints I have ever seen – which is probably why they were published. Plus they do a good job of illustrating some principles:

1) That increasing the inflation pressure increases the pressure at the center of the tread while decreasing the pressure at the shoulders. – obviously there are implications about wear and handling.

2) That increasing the inflation pressure or decreasing the load does not necessarily lead to the shoulders losing contact with the road surface. – which means that the “chalk test” isn’t a good way to determine the inflation pressure for even wear.

3) That the size of the footprint is indeed a function of both the inflation pressure and the load.

And to answer another question that’s been posed:

This footprint is much more the norm – as footprints go - and obviously quite different than that Goodyear footprint.
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