Originally Posted by tjts1
Give the same type of driving and modifications you have, it will beat your mileage. 
Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
I take it you've never driven a manual transmission automobile, because you're surely not speaking from experience.
I'm with Sentra on this one. My car is stock except for a grille block. That leaves only driving style as the factor in my mileage. An Auto will not allow me to run in the rpm/load range I need, and will not allow me to EOC and bump-start. I'd be looking at 50's mpg instead of 80+.
A computer-controlled auto can be at best be equal to a well-driven manual. On the highway, once the gears are engaged and locked, the only difference is gear ratios. Around town, there's the whole rpm/load issue, torque converter slippage, poorly chosen shift points, etc working against an automatic.