The FVT eVaro has passed the accident avoidance maneuver without drama -- at 48mph! If you are Facebook, you can see the video:
Videos Posted by Future Vehicle Technologies: May 6, 2010 8:34am | Facebook
This has been an amazing week starting with the 4000 kms trek to Michigan International Speedway all the way through tech inspection and finally the performance tests. We have toppled many hurdles. Who would believe that it was only weeks ago that we suffered a brutal fire! The FVT team is unstoppable and will continue development for the return to MIS in June for the Knockout Round. Attached is the eVaro performing the accident avoidance test. We were required to do the test @45mph and were able to go almost 48mph Stay tuned everyone!
Hopefully they make the video available to the general public. They also passed the other tests...