Check out all those grille blocks!
I finally saw three Insights in the same place. I also got to see how Insights look when you're following one on the road: tiny, and with enormous side view mirrors! The taillights being close together exaggerates this effect.
Unfortunately, this is the best pic I have of a high school's solar car. Pretty neat, but naturally not very streetable.
Here's my MPG for the run. I elected to lean burn rather than P&G - you can't do both, because after each prolonged EOC, it won't enter lean burn for a minute or so. I probably only did three miles with the engine off. Yep - this mpg is only 10% better than my best 60mph commutes.
I also ran both of my batteries down during the run. My 12V battery, an Optima D51R, dropped down to 9V after about 60mi, so I had to turn the DC/DC converter back on briefly. The HV battery behaved itself, but didn't really come in to play.
Here's my record-setting MPG for the return trip on the I-90. Winds of 30G59, but it felt worse than that. I had to downshift into 4th and sometimes 3rd to hold my speed. I also had to slow down because my car was being tossed around by the wind.
Worst mpg, ever. Oh, well. It was a good time.