Thanks for thanks
As after a few weeks the convex part of the uglyback went concave, I removed it. The fact the angle of vision was far too narrow IMHO, didn't saved it when I took the decision to remove it.
At beginning of year, I build a simple trunk extension (the lower part), quickly followed by a trunk cover (the upper part) as I previously described it in this thread.
- Here is the result from the rear :

- The result from the side :

- and when the trunk is open :
I have no test result to present

except the fact my butt-o-meter tells me the car accelerate more easily
As I have to keep the trunk functional, I have to keep the uglycover not too close to the rear windshield. I tested it at speeds up to 140km/h (87mph) and it resisted without moving too much due to air perturbations.