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Old 05-11-2010, 07:39 PM   #50 (permalink)
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aerohead -

Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
It could be that Roger Smith,the out-going Chairman of GM,was the only person who wanted it.
It could be that California's zero-emission mandate was the real issue,and how it might spread to other states,and how each state could potentially come up with their own rulebook for making cars.
With the legislation killed,there was nolonger a 'need' for the car.
I'm not a GM stakeholder,I have no idea what motivations were.
If I were a carmaker and had the chance to sell EPA CAFE 200-400-mpg cars which would allow me to also sell more guzzlers,that might be an interesting motivation by itself.
Have you read this? : The Car That Could: The Inside Story of GM's Revolutionary Electric Vehicle (9780679421054): Michael Shnayerson: Books

I haven't finished it yet, but I have maybe 30 post-its in it right now for quoting. If you want, I will start posting the tidbits in this thread. The book is dirt cheap (when it's used) on flea-bay.

I won't make the claim that it isn't biased, but I think it does have at least one answer for the majority of questions asked on this thread.


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