She could get the job done with a trailer or a rental, but let's suppose he's a lumberjack by trade and he likes to take his work home with him. Or maybe he's just really stubborn.
He'll actually save more gas just by inflating his tires properly than she'd save by replacing all her bodywork with dry carbon fiber, installing movable aerodynamic devices, getting manual control of her electric motors, and developing that $3000 thermoelectric exhaust waste heat recovery system that she would love to use to charge her traction battery.
My boss wastes far more fuel by accidentally bumping his remote starter button (once a week, it seems) than I save by having a car without A/C. Or, for that matter, than I would save with a boat-tail.
Look at the gal/mi data before buying a car. It's a more relevant way that makes this riddle very obvious.
He burns 10 gal per hundred miles. She burns 1. He would go to 9gal/100mi, and she would go to .5gal/100mi.