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Old 05-15-2010, 12:07 AM   #16 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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pimp mobile - '81 suzuki gs 250 t
90 day: 96.29 mpg (US)

schnitzel - '01 Volkswagen Golf TDI
90 day: 53.56 mpg (US)
Thanks: 158
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Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech View Post
I suppose the moral is that small MPG increases in a larger car are to be preferred to large mpg increases in the smaller car.
lol, I was afraid that was the "moral" Really there isn't a comparison though. If you've sucked it up and got a small car more power to ya, if you are stuck with what you have then make the most of it.

Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech View Post
Sure, a smaller car gets much better mileage, but you can't haul 4x8 sheets of plywood in the back of the Metro. (well, not easily :P)
Just FYI, I have a $200 4x8 trailer that can, easily, and can still get 45mpg behind my saturn. Seen metros & diesel rabbits with tow hitches too. If I kept this setup vs a larger vehicle that gets 22.5 mpg, I would recoup that $200 in 3 months.
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