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Old 05-15-2010, 12:56 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Angmaar View Post
He would because the mod are free.
I think your answer deserves a prize, because it accurately addressed the salient point of the way in which the riddle was framed. The implication was one of who would save the most money after seeking (and presumably acting upon) the professional advice given. One proposal involved spending money (on a technical gizmo), the other in spending nothing. If neither took any action at all, the status quo would remain the same.

He saves by not spending anything, nor losing anything. His potential return is risk-free and his attaining anything more than zero is a pure benefit. She hopes to increase her benefit, but only after pinning her hopes upon and recouping the capital outlay spent on the (presumably not cheap) recommended whiz-bang, canoodle valve.

It's a case of 'money remaining in your pocket' while losing nothing yet possibly earning potential rewards vs. incurring a debt with hopes of attaining 'pie in the sky'.
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