There are no real hidden cost in solar electric systems and if I remember correctly you should average around 7-8 sun hours per day and to be a bit more clear on that wording, it's the amount of sun you would get full output from, not the amount of time it's "light out", the other thing is, solar output tends to match peek loads, sunny days tend to be peek days for A/C, it has been a few years sense I have asked about installed system costs, but costs have gone down, rebates have gone up and the panels them selves should last the rest of your life seeing as how they have a 25 year warranty on their labeled output and 50+ years of real life testing, some companies used to put a 30 or 35 year warranty but when I asked them why this was no longer the case I was told it was because some countries have restrictions on warranty time spans, so instead of having a warranty that varied by country they cut it back to 25 years, but we have some solar panels that are getting close to the 30 year mark, well past the warranty they had 30 years ago and are still producing at their output.