I try to stay as calm and cool-headed as I can while I drive just because I think life's more enjoyable that way...but not getting pissed is like learning how not to swear. It's a *****...
I'm sure there is much more road rage aimed at me then I give out, so I try not to get too angry when people do dumb things. I only really get mad when someone makes me use my brakes...it hurts when driving a whale.
Hell, I even get mad at greens turning red, especially when it is on a major thoroughfare and
one car is making a turn. I also hate it when a nice coast on a red light comes up
just too fast and I have to brake. I also hate it when a coast is timed perfectly and a car swerves in front to fill up the "vacated" lane caused by my speed. Lastly, I hate it when cars switch lanes while cruising along and then hit their brakes. Really, I just hate having to slow down...because speeding up is so slooow.
- LostCause