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Old 05-17-2010, 05:20 PM   #84 (permalink)
Allch Chcar
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Cordelia - '15 Mazda Mazda3 i Sport
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Shovel, "So think what you want but denying the possibility that machines can work quite well, isn't particularly productive. "

The problem is the Machine is doing more work and wasting more energy than it would take for a Human Driver to control the transmission. The EPA Score is not even a major factor for most people especially the Middling crowd age 30-60, I say that with respect of course. People car more about seats than they do the transmission, and most manufactures barely offer Manuals on the Base Models anymore and the Premium packages all include Automatics. Majority doesn't mean they're better, they're just more popular. We should all know by now what popular means, aka Popular Presidents.

The GM's XFE are manual transmission cars, why?

CAFE? Really, when we're all driving aluminium boxes with 1.0Liter engines it will be loads of fun. 35MPG is going to mean they either stop selling Automatics completely, because that's all people want or we get 1.0Liter Engines. Yay for Nanny states./sarcasm

Using the Joe Public argument will not fly. You are Joe Public, what do you do? If the car has a Manual and you don't know how to control it, but you don't want to learn how to drive it or someone told you something bad about it you don't buy it right? That makes sense emotionally even if you cannot afford an Automatic car, which isn't generally a problem for most people I presume. I could go on. You are the General Public, yes the general public is as crazy as you are, get used to it. The Public is stupid by choice? Do you really think so? They are coddled, swept around, made fun of, laughed at. Do you honestly believe you're not a part of the General Public? Being on the Internet doesn't make you any less of a Joe Public than hanging out at your local bar does. What is "best" and what the General Public need to be the same thing, then we'll have progress. I'm not even suggesting we educate, gosh no, if there was anything good in this world it left when Liberals took over our schools. Right isn't a direction anymore it only means "yes" or "yeah" or even "okay." Yes I used that properly in a sentence. Education is all about standardized testing and sitting in classrooms these days. We learn them on the negatives of the AutoCar culture, how Manual transmission cars and smaller engines are better. Why driving slower is not only more efficient time and money wise it's better. You pay more up front for an AutoCar and then you keep paying more over the life of the car. How is that anything but a poor choice?
-Allch Chcar

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