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Old 05-18-2010, 01:55 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dcb View Post
re: recover energy, we could turn off most them towers and problem solved really that transmitter energy is a drop in the baltic sea. If you are saying lets crank up the transmitters I'm saying let's not cus it isn't efficient.
It would be easier to develop practical superconductors than it is to shut down most of the transmitters. And using existing infrastructure with wireless power simplifies implementation in the real world.

And on the note of using EVs as mobile power supplies, a friend of mine has thought about it almost 2 years ago!
design exercise: inverter for Toyota Prius - diyAudio
For a little design exercise, design a large power inverter for a Toyota Prius. Some possible applications include allowing the Prius to double as an emergency generator, allow it to be used as a mobile power supply, etc. The following conditions apply:
1: Input is the 200v battery pack.
2: Output is 120v and/or 240v AC of at least 1kw (preferably 3kw or more) 60Hz sinewave.
3: The inverter must stay within regulation over the entire range of battery voltage.
4: The inverter should only power up when the car is on and ready to run the engine as needed.
5: The design will *NOT* actually be built. It is only a design exercise.

My thoughts:
* 200v is a good amount over the 170v peak of 120v AC, but I'm not sure how low it goes. If it doesn't go too low, a filtered H bridge should be enough for 120v. For 240v, a means to boost the voltage would be needed.
* The fact that a car would almost always be used on a more regular basis than a standalone generator means that problems would be caught earlier than with standalone generators. It's not uncommon for a standalone generator to break down unknowingly until the moment it is actually needed. In addition, the high power rating and very high peak rating would avoid issues when running large loads like central A/C or large commercial refrigeration.
* The idea can be extended. Think of a Prius as a very powerful mobile power supply and lots of ideas pop up. Businesses in particular might like the idea of being able to use something like a powerful arc welder without access to power.

Once again, it is only a design exercise and will *NOT* actually be built.
It could also be useful for large alternative energy systems with high voltage batteries. Or with a few adaptations, it can be used as a VFD for a motor.
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