Originally Posted by NiHaoMike
It would be easier to develop practical superconductors than it is to shut down most of the transmitters.
Wow, easier to develop superconductors than to pull the plug on the inefficient thing?!? We have a serious disconnect here Mike
I guess I have been making the assumption that efficiency of the system as a whole was on your radar, maybe that isn't correct? Even with(if) superconducting antennas, given the average distance to AM towers, how efficient do you expect this to be?
Originally Posted by NiHaoMike
And on the note of using EVs as mobile power supplies
Using a prius to make electricity is flawed from an energy saving perspective, as whatever energy you "put back in the wall" will come from gasoline.
But people do use them as "emergency generators" of a sort, have been for years. But whoopie, I have an inverter that runs off a 12 volt battery too, and a $30 garage sale generator, and lots of 12 volt appliances (and a 12 volt solar panel). I wouldn't encourage gasoline generation for anything but an emergency.