Originally Posted by PaleMelanesian
Light acceleration will bring the average down by maybe 2mpg vs 4mpg at heavier accel. The faster accel will get you up to speed 100-200 yards sooner. After 5 miles, you just can't make up that 2mpg difference in 200 yards, even if you EOC.
In 5 miles you sure can

But, I don't know what "after 5 miles...200 yards" means....
Here's my theory: If you could have the ideal situation and coast all the way to zero at the end of the drive, or the next light, or whatever you stop, then the higher accel rate would work. But if you use your brakes at the other end, at all, then you can't make up the deficit.
That is ideal - but the recovery is much faster than 1:1 as suggested.. It's situations like that that makes me hate the mpg metric - it's not really appropriate here and just leads to confusion....