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Old 05-22-2010, 12:55 AM   #138 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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The Fruit Bat - '01 Honda Insight
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Current - '21 Subaru Impreza Wagon
90 day: 34.36 mpg (US)
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I took it on a tiny little maiden voyage up and down the street, but I forgot I had to bleed the brakes, so I had my friendly tenant help me with that. I got the tach to work (with the 4cyl > 3cyl error margin still present), Got the temp gauge to work, although I don't know if it is accurate since I'm using the CRX cluster. When I leave it running for a while and especially after I rev it up a bit, the coolant will spill into the overflow container and boil very violently, spewing steam. I have a feeling there may be something wrong, such as the thermostat not working. I got a legit CEL, but I forgot to hook up the diagnostic plug thing to jumper, so I did that, but haven't checked the code yet because I think the biggest concern right now is that boiling coolant.

The exhaust also has a number of leaks that will need to be fixed before trying to diagnose the oil smoke that billows out as soon as it's started. (I'm assuming the O2 sensor needs to be able to do its job, and once it can the smoke may go away). The smoke will sometimes go away for a while after holding the throttle higher (btw 2 and 3k rpm) for a while.

What should I do about this coolant issue - does it sound like a thermostat thing, or am I just a fraidy cat?
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