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Old 05-22-2010, 02:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
The PRC.
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Right then. I have a feeling in my water that this tank is the one

I'm currently at 420 miles and it has 1/3rd left to run. Usually I have to fill up at about 400-420 miles (8/10ths). But there is a fly in this ointment in that I have been pressing the vent when filling which means I get another gallon (imperial) in before the fuel level appears at the top of the filler. I need to do a ventectomy at some point but I press the vent with the filler top for now.

The real reason behind my feeling is that I have adopted a new strategy - I monitor my average and instant MPG and try and keep my instant above my average. Of course at some point the two are going to merge but my average when I turn the engine off at home each night is currently 55+ (imp) and before it was usually 48. More engine on coasting, slower on the bypass (aka freeway) and so on.

I have allowed myself to annoy BMWs fewer times that before, but I still enjoy it

So whats the betting - do you think I will make it to a 50mpg tank or not ? Remember this is a Diesel "performance hatch" with no mods and not an economy car.

EDIT PS : The warmer weather is here - this is the first month without snow in Scotland...
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]

Last edited by Arragonis; 05-22-2010 at 02:31 PM.. Reason: Brrr No wait, its warm...
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