Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
if you were to take a car into a wind tunnel, then spray sicky foam pellets at it, what shape would you get? the pellets would presumably stick to places air gets trapped in.
I had a lesson on aerodynamics last time there was a blowing snowstorm here. strange how much like a boattail the rear looked......
Perhaps it was your pics of a winter snow that I had in mind. It would be fun next time it snows with fairly steady and strong surface wind, to park the car straight into the wind, then photograph and/or measure the snow deposition on the car, as the buildup of snowflakes would be at stagnation points, as the wind would sculpt more efficient contours. Then, re-create those shapes at headlights, bumper, base of windshield, etc. with foam, then test in wind tunnel or coast-down. I'll bet Mother Nature is a pretty good fluid mechanic.