I'm quit impressed with this little car. It's still not quite running right, the missfire is come-and-go, largely based on outside temps it seems, but it's no where near as severe as the trip home was. Sometimes you can go full throttle flawlessly, other times it's nothing but half throttle. Eventually will get motivated to track down the miss fire. Will throw on a set of plug wires as that's the only thing left in the ignition system that hasn't been changed, excluding the coil and dizzy. Though, it helps keep my foot out of it, to say the least.
It does effect my driving style though, as I generally have to run the piss outta it in first and second gear to get it up to higher speeds before 3rd - 5th, which are not geared like normal 5 speeds. Third is actually your 1:1, and 4th and 5th are over drive. Entering a freeway (which is the only way to get anywhere) usually entails running up to ~65mph in 1 - 2 - 3, and skip shifting to 5th when at speed.
It's not the most fuel efficient driving, at all, since I'm shifting at 3-4000 rpm. Note that this is for roads with about 40+ mph speed limits. Neighborhoods can be driven slowly. Also with the lack of A/C, the windows are always down.
Never the less, motor running bad and hard driving, and the car averaged 37.4mpg!
Got rid of the purple tint... Hours of scrapping and using Domino's unconcentrated window cleaner (rich with amonia) to kill off the adhesive, but it looks better with out the purple, and I can see out of it. And added my sticker of choice for my beater cars.

It goes to a good cause... a '66 Plymouth Belvedere that races in the 24 hours of Lemons!