Originally Posted by steffen707
Well the VX engine lets you lean burn at higher speeds as well. And what DC/DC converter disable switch are you talking about? To my knowledge this isn't stock.

Neither is a VX engine in an Insight body.
Stock, the MCM can switch off the DC/DC by shorting DVINH to ground. I cut the wire going to the MCM and replaced it with a toggle switch.
If an Insight body does go up for sale, be prepared to compete with other parties who REALLY want one. It's a great candidate for an EV conversion, or to be parted out to Insight owners who need new hoods and fenders, or to be fixed up and sold. These cars go for 200000mi at least, so good ones with bad engines are rare.
CRX bodies, OTOH, can be had for <$500, and they're almost as good.