Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Along similar lines as the European country (be damned if I can find the link at the moment - Denmark?) that recently outlawed auto advertising that carried claims of "environmental friendliness", the province of Quebec is looking at restricting auto advertising that glorifies speed.
more: Quebec spells doom to 'zoom zoom zoom'
The interstate system's sole purpose is -speed- but I still see (big) signs for how to get to it, and government hasn't stopped building more interstates. Amazing what these over-bearing governments will do to micro-manage their supposed sim-city citizen-drones. I suppose at some point in the future they will ban "sports" cars themselves, followed by any common 4 door with a V-6, and maybe ban large 4 cylinders eventually. Once the government decides who can sell what its hard to slow that down. Find an ad for any product that doesn't glorify it in some aspect. Thats why its called an -advertisement- and not the truth.
Thanks, I'm done ranting now. I feel better...