It's about attitude
While I'm pretty new to this eco-driving thing I can already tell it's definately not for everyone. Not very many people in Las Vegas at least. What it’s all about is attitude.
Will you wake up 5 minutes earlier or be rushed on your daily commute?
Will you look past the traffic light 100 feet away and see the next one is red anyway, or will you zoom around traffic and then slam on your brakes?
Will you pay attention to the timing of the lights or the text messages on your iPhone?
Will you invest $1 in a tire pressure guage or just trust the oil change mechanic to do it?
Most importantly will you change you attitude about driving from “OMG I have to get there asap! Who’s calling me now? What’s this bozo doing the speed limit in the right lane!?” to “Hmmm, leaves are really starting to change….Speaking of change, that traffic light is about to. I think I’ll kick it in neutral and put on some Bob Marley.”
That’s about the best way I can explain it.