The only cure for attitude is knowledge.
As the man said "You can't fix stupid".
I get the full range of attitude about my obsession with fuel economy, from bravo, to you're a nut.
Then I hear about some burning $20 a day in fuel just to get to work and back.
I also talk to people who have studied the art of better mileage, and even some who understand it is not necessary to crawl down the road and interfere with the flow of traffic.
After all, isn't it much better for everyone to improve their mileage by 10-20% than for a few to double their EPA.
When it really intrigues them is when they realize that in a 20 mile drive, I can get 40% better mileage, while the difference in arrival time is measured in seconds.
If their attitude doesn't change after that experience, then they need a little math. Say 15 bucks a day, 200 days a year, for 30 years at 7%.
That's a lot of cash.