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Old 05-28-2010, 12:41 AM   #13 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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schnitzel - '01 Volkswagen Golf TDI
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I've been trying to figure out how to get some feedback to the driver on acceleration efficiency for a while. With a stickshift and a bsfc map it is pretty easy to make a guess. But if you have an auto it will have varying degrees of slippage, and if you have no bsfc map then what?

I think a reasonable approach is to use something mpguinoish that reports the change in speed over the fuel used as an instant value, and as something that displays an interval, say until the rpm drops indicating another shift, then perhaps a third accumulator that reset at 0mph so that you can relatively easily:

hunt for a peak value while accelerating with pedal position.
hunt for a peak average within a gear with different strategies.
hunt for a peak average from zero to whatever speed you want.

Of course hills and wind will throw off any hope of absolute readings, but might be useful enough with relative readings.

I've asked a few times about this, hope it isn't beating a dead horse. But does it make sense? Sound like a useful tool? Any serious suggestions?
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