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Old 05-29-2010, 04:26 PM   #36 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Posts: 201
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We just got back from test-driving an A3 TDI, an A3 2.0T Quattro, and a Prius.

We were very impressed with the A3 TDI. It drove and handled very well -- in fact, I noticed a significant difference between how the A3 TDI drove and the Jetta Sportswagen TDI we test-drove last week -- which surprised me. (The Jetta felt a bit wheezy in acceleration and a bit sloppy in some turns, the A3 hugged the road very nicely and hat lots of pickup.)

The 2.0T Quattro was just as nice. Clearly a 'faster' car, but we both walked away from it thinking that, all things considered, we'd rather have the diesel, both for the lower up-front price, and the lower fuel cost in the long run.

We also test-drove a Prius. I know a lot of people interested in eco-driving swear by them, but frankly we weren't as impressed. The interior just compared to the Audi. It was a brand-new Prius still in the plastic wrapping, but we could hear some interior rattles during the test drive. The lack of power seats was a minus. And I think by the official numbers, the Prius has slightly more cargo carrying capacity than the A3, it didn't look that way from our eyeball test.

So overall, I think the TDI sold us! Looks like we have the 'car buying' bug, so we may be making a purchase sooner than we thought.
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