Well, not everybody is from the USA... Jan Vos for instance comes from Belgium... I´ve seen Allert's bike around here as well, he's from the Netherlands - where I'm originally from. Also I'm not just looking for a place to buy an engine. There are probably others out there and possibly out here who have thought about doing this and maybe even did the conversion.
As to engines I can get Lupo engines without any problems but they are somewhat oversized for this project. The bike runs OK on 27 kW so it is overkill to put in a 45 kW engine and might even literally kill the drivetrain. If there is something smaller which can do the job - anywhere from a 1 cyl industrial diesel to a 3 cyl Daihatsu 997cc - and with which someone has experience I'd like to know. This forum seems to be one of the places to go for this type of information exchange.
So? Anyone thinking about doing this or maybe even doing it right now or possibly even riding a diesel-powered rig?