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Old 06-02-2010, 12:38 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: maine
Posts: 758

oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
90 day: 47.06 mpg (US)
Thanks: 21
Thanked 18 Times in 14 Posts
yet another weld

This time I let the wheel well fall apart intoa pile of rubble and made my own. In the process, I found a beam that runs transverse holds the gas tank.. and was indirectly getting shaken by the horrifying guage subaru built this 1987 with. I replaced it all with 18 guage, american, and enhanced inner structures, adding my 13th year of pounding it around maine as knowledge..

I noticed it right away in the engine.

calm gas=better mileage.

check your older steels today!
it can be very very elusive. Especially the favorite 80s jap mobiles.This particular model car had some very bizarre sheet errors in specific places.. I had to change it all the way around the car. Inner structure was way beyond what I'd expect (the reason it stays alive), but the other stuff needed help badly.

back to calm fuel sipping.

this error was unknown until a 93 degree day in may... I heard the wheel well "creak"...that aint right. so I banged at it, and something chemically destroyed this past year. Not liking the guage of it anyway, I am almost relieved oem is done with it.

Last edited by bgd73; 06-02-2010 at 12:45 AM..
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