Thread: hybrid plateau
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Old 06-02-2010, 06:49 AM   #16 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Thumbs up The truth about hybrids..

I'm new to all this.. studying and playing around with mods..

trying to get serious but reading up a lot first..

Me and some friends joke about hybrids. Of course we
do it out of jealousy. That's all it is.

Anyway, our (cynical) theory on hybrids is that the electric
motor is only powerful enough to keep the motor turning over
under no load and to drive the aircon.

When the car rolls down a hill, the petrol motor is actually
off but it appears that it is on.

Rolling down hills with motor off saves a lot of fuel. I know,
that's what I do all the time in my non-hybrid and it saves
25% of fuel on my particular to and from daily drive.

My friend in germany always harps on about theory.

He says that 35% of fuel is wasted in heat and just
goes straight out the radiator. Even modern engines
have no heat recovery mechanisms.

Then, another 35% is wasted internally in cooling the
motor's combustion chamber.

So, 70% of the hybrid's fuel is still perphaps being

I read this as those guys making hybrids have jobs
for life.. because there's still a long long way for
them to go.
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