He has some good points, but his costs are wrong, for $7000-$10,000 you can buy a very nice battery pack for an all electric car, not a hybrid and after 100,000 miles it should have dropped in range by 70-80%, worse case.
I'm not a fan of hybrids for some of his reasons, mostly that I like simple cars, but that is why I am a fan of electric cars.
I am not a fan of VW's because they cost alot to maintain, their diesels require alot of regular service and also cost alot to maintain, every time I talk to someone who owns one I ask them how they like it and I get the same answer "great for long distances but costs alot to own" an example of this is replacing the injector pump on a diesel is going to cost you about the same as replacing the battery pack on your hybrid and it's going to need to be done about as often.
with that said, if I drove long distances on the highway I would buy a diesel, if I drove alot every day stop and go I would buy a hybrid, if I just want to be efficient then I would buy the car I own, a civic vx.