Originally Posted by cfg83
heumi12345 -
I agree with animated_zombie, how did you make/modify/buy it? In terms of mounting, it *appears* that you have an attachment at the lower end/side :
... the spoiler is a home-brew make.
Basically it is a core cut out of polyurethane foam, coated with epoxy resin and glass fibre. The core is bent according the roof one inch from center to the sides. This part was mounted with the custom pieces made of epoxy-carbon to the rear door.
Next step was to evaluate the right angle of attack.
Finally i attached the "triangles" from both sides (PU foam, sanded and coated).
The bright strip is simply foam to avoid hard contact whenever one bashes the rear door closed.
(once a police officer fined me, since the sharp edges in my first version were dangerous. And... and... and...) Then i had to rework it, and i messed up the surface... so now, it looks quite ugly.