Originally Posted by shawnmstout
ok so why not use a electronical level to calculate the degree of incline or decline on the hill, by using the speed you could figure out the momentum and be able to program in when to set the gas and how much also depending on the incline or decline, whats your thoughts?
Just an FYI on why this is a REALLY BAD IDEA. if this device is just a level and not gyro based. You start up a hill, the cruise increases throttle, accelerating the car, the acceleration causes a momentum shift, the inclinometer senses the momentum shift as an increase in incline(because its not gyro based) and increases throttle more, and this goes on and on until you're at full throttle

This could be dangerous, and probably useless for the intended purpose. Its because accel/decel would effect the inclinometer just like a hill does, you have to use GPS or Gyros.