Originally Posted by AeroModder
Okay, I take it back. After some research, anything that obstruct your taillights and/or licence plate from view are illegal. I can't find the federal law mentioned here, but enforcement is erratic at best, especially with bike racks.
Yes, that's probably true. I live near NY city where virtually EVERYTHING is illegal. You name it, there's probably some law on the books against it.
It all comes down to the cop on patrol. Is he having a bad day? Does the municipality need more 'revenue enhancement' that month, or week (AKA the "crackdown" or "blitz"?) It's often a crapshoot whether you will get a ticket or not. Is it your unlucky day? Maybe it's the state lottery in reverse.
The good news is that since 9/11, cops here are mostly busy doing more important things - like tracking down terrorists. Which means most minor offenses go unticketed, usually. (Unlicensed drivers here get a pass, because you can't really prosecute someone who has no license and few assets. And you can't threaten them with taking away a license they don't have. Maybe it's the same as the old saw about trying to 'get blood from a turnip'? Licensed drivers get ticketed. We, the usually law-abiding, have 'deeper pockets'.)
And never forget this: there is no such thing as
quotas for issuing traffic tickets. That (like inflation) is a mere figment of your imagination. You know very well that it exists, but it will never be admitted by the powers that be.