way back when they had steam power doing all the big work.
up to 24 pumps hooked up to a makeshift crank spinning around, mechanical dangers everywhere, boilings into 900F making fuel.
whatever the "watt" today, it is better than ever.
I find astonishing..even in that link about consumption...the fantastically ridiculous leap into doubling consumption
exactly coincides with that idiot called fuel injection, making its sloppy butt way into america and the world....why does noone focus on the real facts?
even the EV world is a wild tangent of fantasy, hardly maximizing itself into a heavier purpose for reality...not to menmtion, the by product of using the energy in the long term.Even folks in old cars have had to go einstien themselves to stop the little mysteries...still not conquered....the market and science has to focus on the
real consumption.