Ford trucks have been some of the most terrible things to work on since the mid-90s. If I recall right on my friend's 5.4, the spark plugs are under the fuel rail. As well as a bunch of other hassles for maintenance work. And off goes the cab for any big work. You'd think they'd just make their 3/4 or 1-tons as COE, and just tilt it up for work.
Say what you will about GM trucks, at least they're still fairly easy to work on, in comparison.
Lets see how far it can go
"All I know about music is that not many people ever really hear it. [...] But the man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, more terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for the same reason. And his triumph, when he triumphs, is ours." -Sonny's Blues