AeroTrailer from Scrap Materials
Moving from CA to FL soon. Plan to haul my essential belongings by trailer. Hope to make it as streamlined and inexpensively as possible. Whatever is light weight and I have been able to find for free or at reasonable expense is determining the main components and some of the design. This has led to both Engineering and Design challenges.
Outer skin to be made primarily of those dense foam sign boards laminated between thin sheets of special plastic. The plastic is said to be surplus from the Israeli Embassy and was applied to the windows to keep the glass from becoming lethal projectiles in case of a bomb blast. They are not bomb proof but are the toughest plastic I have ever come across.
Frame to be made of fiberglass sheets. Framing to be minimal due to the strength of the skin.
General Design:
V nose to reduce negative pressure area betweer Tow Vehicle (TV) and trailer and to allow for a way to enclose that gap if I have the time.
Follow the streamlined template as much as possible with a Kamb back.
24" verticle sides to round to the top with a 29" radius. (Think more curvature than an Air Stream).
Due to small diminsions of TV, width of trailer axle, and need for carrying capacity, the trailer will be both wider and higher than the TV.
Would like to connvert to a rudimentary hard walled popup camping trailer at some point.
Last edited by 4536; 06-16-2010 at 04:20 PM..
Reason: correct error