Arragonis - I looked around for longer tubes but couldn't find anything locally, and since this is supposed to only be a test I don't want to invest too much unless I know it would help. The best bet is to remove all of that ductwork that goes from the turbine forward to the IC, then back to the manifold, and replace it with a straight tube. But the only tubes the local shops have are paper, which just won't work for warm, pressurized air. The pressure between the turbo and intake manifold goes up to 2-4 atm (30-60psi), if I remember correctly. I read that even the OEM tubes (rubber with metal reinforcing ribs) tend to bulge when revving.
ShadeTree - Yes, it's a commonrail, electronic everything

I'm not ready to re-map the ECU yet, though it has crossed my mind.
Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
I'd block off the intercooler to simply see if it does anything for your economy first before you possibly cock up a good car.
It's already mostly covered by the grille block, which has an operable opening for the IC. I open it only when the engine gets too hot. The blocking helps keep the air warm, but the bypass would reduce the drop in boost by shortening the distance from turbine to manifold. The idea was to control both the IC valve and the IC grille block with one switch, ie the IC would be blocked whenever it was being bypassed. Later it would get automated to open whenever the engine is under load (an IC supposedly increases low end torque - good for pulsing).
I totally agree about mods being reversible, that's why I'd have to transplant the whole intake plumbing. I found the butterfly device thingy for the equivalent of US$80, but the rest of the plumbing and wiring would cost more than that

I doubt this would be worth it, especially if I get a block heater. But I'll snoop around, maybe I'll find the whole shebang at a reasonable price.
Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
What's the listed economy figures for the 2 vehicles? I somehow think the newer one may be less efficient.
The new version officially gets about 10% better fe. This may be b/c of better aerodynamics (Cd=0.30 instead of 0.33) and low rr tires. But it also has a FAP particulate filter, which increases fuel consumption since the filter must be occasionally burned out by higher exhast gas temperatures. I'm willing to bet that official fe tests are done with a
clean filter. Ollie (vtec-e) test drove a Peugeot 308 with the newer 1.6 HDi engine version. Check out
I booked a test drive in something special and his
photo album.