Thread: Engine load
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Old 06-17-2010, 06:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Engine load

It was recommended to me that i get two scangauges instead of two mpguinos because of the extra features but im wondering if those would be helpful to me and worth spending $200 dollars extra for my families two vehicles.

He said that the scangauge displays engine load and thats one of the most important thing to watch. Why doesn't the mpguino display load? isnt that proprtional to the amount of fuel being used???

I can get my engine trouble codes read for free at the auto parts store.

my dash gauges already display coolant temp and the voltage though the later could be displayed with more resolution. Why doesnt the mpguino measure voltage? not enough ADC?

Should i know intake temperature manifold pressure igninting timing or if the vehicle is in closed or open loop? How does that help me? Would i need to know that to drive more efficiently? maybe knowing the pressure would let me know when to change the air filter or something. I dont know if any of those features would be usefull for efficiency or maintenance.

Does the mguino not have the ability to take trip averages,(assuming averages can be helpful).?


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