With my VX slowing down is an art. In 5th gear there is not much difference between coasting in neutral and DFCO in 5th gear. Down to about 25 MPH in 5th before DFCO cuts out, then down shift to maintain 0 fuel consumption without killing lean burn for 30 seconds by turning the engine off.
Around here tailgaters are the norm. I just use P&G to persuade them to follow someone else too closely especially if I see them using a cell phone.
I do usually leave them in the corners. There is one turn on my daily route that is posted as a max 35 MPH turn. 35 years ago I would go through that turn at 70 in a 59 Corvette.
Now I coast through it starting at 45 MPH, and usually it will put a couple hundred feet between me an a tailgater.
I slow down for several tenths of a mile to avoid red lights. Most tailgaters are to stupid to realize they are just wasting fuel passing me to get to the red light before me. Some of my timed red lights are several miles apart and invariably there are several cars that passed me in that stretch waiting for the light to change as I approach.
Occasionally I get a real jerk tailgater, usually female in a SUV. When their actions get really obnoxious I will coast down to significantly below the speed limit, and pulse around curves at speeds they can not maintain, anything to establish some separation, especially when they are on a cell phone, which I can easily see in my rear view mirror, because they are so close. I have had a few pass me on a double yellow line and make gestures, but I could care less since they are already driving recklessly and endangering my life and health.
I have the means to handle any escalation, but would much prefer they just get away from me and endanger someone else.
In the last two decades the only accidents I have been involved in are me being hit in the rear end by a moron, so that is where I focus a significant amount of my attention.