I think my whole family has learned something, even my little kids. Nothing like some good common sense and study to learn something. I have laughed at the dumb arses who drive past you to sit at a stop light (I once was one of them) but this test REALLY proves it. It's like I say, out on the highway, sure driving 70 mph over 400 miles is going to get you there a hell of a lot faster than driving 55 mph over that same 400 miles. But in town, OR in traffic, there is little to no difference.
I do know that my 65 Skylark would get about 18 MPH on a regular trip I used to take up to Oregon (about 400 miles) driving 70 or so. One time I wanted to see what is the best mileage I could get and I drafted behind semis at 55 and got 24 MPH!!!! But it took an hour and a half longer!
I used to spend a lot of time driving in a sales job I had. I remember watching people pass me on a slow moving freeway only to have them sit beside me at the next slow down. Once I had a guy pass me going like hell, he was hauling ars. He passed me, then the changed lanes passing another car, then another then another. I watched as he changed lanes 13 times, THIRTEEN TIMES in about two miles. When he exited the freeway I counted, he was 20 seconds ahead of me!
Now mind you, I learned this while driving like an ars myself! I would take some death defying feat to pass someone, using all my HP (I have owned some pretty fast cars) and driving ability (been to a racing school even) only to be too embarrassed to look at them as they pull up next to me at the stop light! I started looking around and paying attention and found that I wasn't going any faster than the cars I had just passed. So I turned it around and started watching others who passed me, sure as poop stinks, they didn't go any faster than me in the traffic!
Nope, if only we could tell this to people, maybe make a sign for the back of our cars?
"Do a test, time yourself driving to work taking your time and then driving like a fool, you will be surprised".

Problem is, a lot of people will remember the one time they caught all the lights and made it there five minutes faster and think THAT is the norm when going fast.
We humans have a short memory! I call it being a "prisoner of hope"