Its interesting that mazda was mentioned as they have what may be the coolest restart system ever devised.
It works by having a mechanical device that stops the motor in the same position every time, on a cylinder that has the intake valve open. The injecter for this cylinder fires followed by the spark plug causing the motor to turn backwards up against compression, then firing the other injectors and plugs, starting the motor instantly and flawlessly every time. The only extra part is the mechanical motor stop indexing thingy and some some extra computer code, and it doesnt use the starter motor or place a load on the battery.
I am familier with the spin it backwards to start forwards drill with some of my model airplane motors. They can be a bear to start if you flip the prop in the right direction, often spitting back and running backwards, but if you flip the prop the wrong way, it bounces back against compression and starts up nice and easy.
Dean in Milwaukee