The S10 is certainly a capable truck, able to confidently tow 6,000 lbs in it's higher trim levels. Often times, however, pulling is not the problem. The problem of stopping is the bigger issue, as well as a vehicle's ability to control the weight. A heavier truck can control a heavier load, period. For bigger loads, say if you were pulling a full size car, or another truck on a larger trailer, a half-ton would be the safer move. But, a Geo Metro (sans engine) and a small trailer is just fine for the S10, though the V6 would be my move over the little 2.2.
You've got a truck that's just right for your load.

There's reasons to justify bigger vehicles in towing, but that's for larger loads.
Sometimes though, you need a truck to carry a truck... Or.. Part of one at least :P