Here's a view of the new mounts below the aluminum bumper, made from 2x4's.
The bottom edge of the lumber is cut at the same angle as the under-body smoothing panels.
Small spacers were machined from 3/8 inch tubing and are mounted on all four bolts on the lower part of the bumper, due to the high curvature of the bumper in this area.
This view shows the spacers on the bolts, and stabilizing wood between the four 2x4's. The stabilizing wood maintains the same spacing between the lumber if removed from the car. This is important, otherwise the bolts and screws that hold the tail extension may not line-up properly.
Here the foam is being trimmed away from the muffler pipe as part of the heat control in this area. That's the nice thing about foam; it's easily carved.
A thin piece of lumber is machined for thickness and will be used as a spacer later on. The two thicknesses will be cut into two separate spacers.
One of the wood spacers is shown in this view, and being glued in place. After the epoxy set's-up, wood screws will make sure it stays put.
This shows the spacers being glued in place with epoxy. You can start to see part of the extension taking form.