That funky gas tank
The prime reason I'd like a mileage computer is that gas tank. For a car that is so carefully thought out to get high mileage, the regular means of checking, by dividing the gallons filled by the mileage driving is really, really hard to consistently do. If you stop filling the tank as soon as the pump clicks off, you are short about 2 gallons. If you trickle, trickle, trickle, you can go to a place that I named, "hyperfill." When I "hyperfill" the tank, I can go 200+ miles before the gauge drops from F.
I've looked at the tank design and it seems the filler tube is below the top of the tank. So when we trickle, we are kind of forcing fuel into the expansion area? Has anyone else acknowledge this in the VX? We had a Del Sol, and never had wacky filling issues.
By the way, I've read that the '92 VX has a 12 gallon tank, and the '93-'95 has a 10 gallon tank. Can anyone verify that?