06-29-2010, 12:33 AM
#88 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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From the EV Discussion List:
Greetings everyone, I have some updated information on very recent accomplishments with this car. After it was shown at the Greenwood Car show on Saturday, it went home for a good charge. On Sunday, we headed out for an attempt at 200 miles on the freeway without recharging, by driving from Woodinville to Bellingham.
On the return, we came up just short, at 191 miles, so we repeated again today with the following results.
Total miles traveled: 201! The right-side drivetrain used 273 Ah, and the left-side used 262 Ah. Using 72 volts nominal, that works out to about 191.6 Wh/mile. The car now has the full complement of 60 batteries, of the 33 lb type I described previously. We assume that the 18% increase in usage is due to the increase in battery weight from the Lacey trip.
The bulk of the miles were on the freeway, but the last several miles were on surface streets near home base in order to complete the trip at home, but still get over 200 miles.
Also, Dave recorded some usage numbers over a 100 mile stretch in order to develop more accurate numbers for strictly highway driving, however, I don't have those numbers yet.
As before, I can answer some questions, but for more in-depth discussion, please call Dave Cloud.